Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sleeping with puppies

Both boys still sleep with puppies at night. I'll start with Nate. He has two puppies from Build-A-Bear. Both of the puppies have full outfits so that the actual cost when I check out is around $50 a bear. Nice, huh? And I couldn't have come up with this idea why?? I digress...
I mention the outfits because neither. puppies. have. clothes. on. Dang, I am apparently quite upset by this whole clothes for animals things.
Anyways, Nate goes to bed with both of his puppies. His "regular" puppy and his "new" puppy. He hugs them both and that's how I find him when I check on him before I go to bed.
Lex has a puppy that was given to him by Erik's dad when he was about 2 months old. He sleeps with this thing all the time. It is so ratty and loved. Apparently, it kept falling on the floor during the night so Lex used his brain to fix that problem. He just shoved the puppy in his boxer shorts with his head sticking out. Kind of like a kangaroo and her joey. Yep. I just compared my kid to a kangaroo. I went in the other night to cover him up and this is how I found him. I literally had to run out of the room because I could not control my laughter. I doubled over and laughed for a good five minutes. Oh, the things that I find in this house...Blackmail!!!

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