Sunday, February 7, 2010

A typical meal

Well, honestly, I'm not even sure where to start. We're quite the characters. Although I often lose my patience, these kids are funny. Let me give you an example of a typical dinner at our house. I had made spaghetti sauce from scratch and was excited for everyone to try it. I try to dish everyone's dinner up at the same time so we can eat together. Erik is in the kitchen, right in my way, err, I mean helping, to get the kids their milk. I finally place in front of my loving family and instead of the "oooohhh" and "ahhhhh" I was patiently awaiting, I get "What's this?" "I don't like sauce." and a few others. Great. I sit down. Right away, Bailey doesn't have her plate in front of her correctly, she whacks the end of it with her elbow and sends the plate of spaghetti to the carpeted floor. Deep breath. And, of course, Lex has to add that he doesn't like sauce, he just wants past. My patience is slowly leaking out of me. Then, Nate adds, "bubbbllllle (his word for trouble). At this point, I don't know if I should laugh or cry. Fast forward a few minutes. Nate has pasta hanging out his mouth, Bailey and Lex are eating. Calmness at last.
Oh wait, Lex decides that this would be a totally appropriate time to sing the alphabet at the top of his lungs, Bailey wants to tell us about her day over top of Lex singing and Nate decides to stand up in his chair, put his hands to his sides and pretend he's shooting us with pretend webs from his wrists like Spiderman. Erik just breaks down and starts laughing. I don't know if I should laugh, cry or scream. I just keep eating. This, I'm afraid, is a normal meal for us.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I didn't know you had a blog- fun! This sounds exactly like dinner time for us... some nights I laugh, some nights I cry, and some nights, Sam tells me to go ahead and take a break (in exchange for screaming). I guess we have spirited kids :) You should check out a recent video on our blog of dinner time at our house- with singing and fighting and banging on the windows.
