Thursday, September 9, 2010


I will admit, that since having kids, I have dramatically cut down on swearing. I never used to swear a lot, but when something happened...say stubbing my toe...I never had to worry about who was going to repeat my words.
I never really thought about it much until Bailey was around four years old and Erik said, "what the!" and Bailey finished it up with, "hell." Yea, that was a bit of a shocker for us. Honestly, swearing has really never been an issue for us with her.
Lex, never swore in front of us. However, he did inform me last summer that when he was mad, he would go into the garage and say, "damn-it." I thanked him for saying it privately, but we still had a few conversations about it being not appropriate.
Now Nate....we have a swearer. His favorites seem to be God damn it and shit. We are working on it. The first swear word is from Erik and I admit shit came from me. Now, don't get me wrong, we are not swearers and we actually attend church, but sometimes, well, the words just come out. We are working on it...


  1. Hahahhahaha. Sorry, that's not funny. But it is.

    I don't have a potty mouth, and even my kids have said damn it.

  2. LOL. We were with Matt's sis and she said hell. I said hey! She gasped, covered her mouth and said "shit!" back to the drawing board. :)
