Friday, May 14, 2010

Gone for a while...

I've been MIA for a while. First my dryer broke and then my 'puter got a nasty virus. For someone who works on the internet and surfs while working....losing a computer is like stopping crack in the middle of a hit. "What?! You mean you want me to unplug it right now and don't turn it on? I've been using it in safe mode? What?! No safe mode either!? Do you realize that I'm looking at my computer and still having withdrawals?" Ah...I digress...
Here's what's been happening in our neck of the woods:
Having no way to work, meant doing stuff around the house. So, Lex and I got our garden in. Well, Nate "attempted" to help and I say that loosely.
Both boys had (yes, I said had) really clean rooms.
I vacuumed a lot.
I read two books.
I wrestled a lot.
I snuggled a lot.
I decided that these two boys have more energy than our entire city. Seriously. Where the hell do they get it from? And how the hell can they start with the loudness and energy so early in the morning? I love the fact they they have kid sized vacuums, etc. But, I think they need to be in working order. Kids have too much energy to "pretend" to clean. Seriously. Make that vacuum work! :)

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