Monday, October 3, 2011

Communion in the eyes of a three and five year old...

We had Communion this Sunday. It was a bit different than normal. When Pastor Steve was talking about it, Nate knew what was coming. He instantly started telling me, not so quietly, that he does not like dipping his bread into the juice. Over and over and over again. I am telling him that we are doing it differently this time and he can have them separately which soothes him. Anyways, we get up to the alter and he prays with me and we have the bread and juice and go back to our seats where he is talking about it. I tell him the bread is for the body of Jesus and the juice is for His blood. He stands on the seat, grabs his belly and starts moaning saying, "Oh, I have a bellyache now. I just drank blood!" Obviously, he doesn't get the connection yet...

Fast forward 10 minutes later when Lex comes in for Communion. We go up front and pray and he takes his bread and juice and comes back with me where I am informed by him that "I am still hungry. That wasn't enough of a snack."

Seriously. I should take our show on the road.

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