Friday, September 2, 2011

I've been dubbed a "small Mommy" by my children

Yep. They have no both officially realized that I'm short. Um, I am a full five feet and one and a half inches!!
Lex first noticed it about a year and half ago. He, out of the blue, asked me about eating more so I could grow up and be bigger like the other Mommy's. Um, kid, I eat enough, trust me on this one. So, we had to have "the talk" about how not everyone is tall.
Fast forward to the other day. Nate, out of the blue, asks me why I am a "wittle Mommy." I ask him to explain and he tells me that I am "wittler than the other Mommy's." Freaking great. Today as Nate and I were out doing errands, he managed to point out to me every.single.short.person. Yep. "Look Mom! She's a wittle Mommy too! Just like you!"
So, I am now either a small or little Mommy. According to them, maybe one day I'll get bigger like them. Thanks boys. Thanks.

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