Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Growing up

I would like to start by saying that NONE of these children are sleeper-iners. Yes, that is a word...to me. Bailey used to start her day between 4-5 AM. I could set my alarm clock by both Lex and Nate as they awoke between 5:45 and 6:15 AM every morning. We tried everything to get them to sleep in. Putting clocks in their room so they could see the time. Having them stay up later. Everything. No matter the time they went to bed, the morning started at the same time.

Lately, however, they've been sleeping in. Sadly, our first thought was not, "oh, they must be tired." It was, "oh, they must not be feeling well." But, then, it started happening more and more frequently. Bailey still gets up early, but she can easily sleep in until 7 or even 7:30!! Nate has been known to sleep in until those times also! Lex, on the other hand, can sleep until 8:30 if given the chance! Honestly, I don't know how this change has happened. I don't know what caused. I am chalking it up to growing up. Bittersweet for me.

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