Monday, December 27, 2010

Am I being secretly taped?

This is a question I have been asking myself lately. The stuff that has been happening and being said just doesn't feel like it should be happening to children who are only two and four years old.

Let me start at about a month ago. Nate has been pretty much potty trained...on the pee side of things. He apparently doesn't like his poop going directly from his body into the toilet. He has done the deed in his pants, taken it out of his pants and put it in the toilet himself and then asked for a toy for this. I have tried to explain that it should be a one step process, but we're not always there.

Sarcasm is also rearing it's ugly, but oh so natural, head. I got stuck in our driveway after 2+ feet of snow and Lex got out of the car, put one hand on his hip and pointed with the other one saying, "well, there's your problem. It's that big 'ole pile of snow." I figured it would not have given me any mother of the year points to say, "thank you Caption Obvious." So, I just told him he was right.

At any given time, Nate will roll his eyes at me with a completely exasperated gasp. He will also tell me, "this is just weeeedicalous."

I'm pretty sure I can record myself saying, "get your hands out of your pants, that's private" as I say it a bajillion times a day between the two of them.

Well, I have a cranky two year old sitting underneath my desk table so I must go and do the motherly thing. I'm sure many more things will be happening at our household that I can write about soon. Have no fear!

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