Wednesday, September 21, 2011

My life is not what I thought it was going to be's so much better! I used to live by myself, exercise a minimum of two hours a day, go to work and pour my life and soul into my students and take classes. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love teaching. I loved my students. I loved pouring my everything into them. I had no intentions of being married, I mean really! I was a modern career bound woman! Who needed a husband and kids to hold me back?? It was the rest of my life that sucked...only I didn't know it at the time. I *thought* I was happy. My house was beyond organized. I don't mean a little, I mean my JUNK drawer was organized! And then, I met Erik. Okay, my organization didn't go completely downhill then, but quite a bit. But, my happiness level sure went up! Something about him made me WANT to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. And then, I got this urge to have kids. What the heck was that about?! forward a few years later...

God gave us two boys! Boys! I know I'm not the girly type, but boys?! And, quite spirited ones at that! I joke all the time that's a damn good thing they're cute because boy-oh-boy! My house is crazy. I really mean it. Last night Erik and I were in the living room talking for a bit. The boys have plastic bats and they were going in between making the bats fly (across my living room) and shooting off their nerf guns. Either one, I realized that Erik and I were moving out of the way like it was second nature so we didn't get hit. Ah, but it's not the boys themselves you see, I realized they get it from their father. As I was on the phone later, Erik was throwing peanuts at me in the kitchen from the dining room. Genetics?

So, yes, my house is a bit, um, unorthodox to say the least. But, we sure to do laugh a lot.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Catrina, sounds like a pretty orthodox household to me... :)
