Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lex goes to kindergarten!!!!!

He came downstairs at 6:32 AM fully dressed. I'd say he was a tad bit excited. He quickly brushed his teeth, ate his cereal and then was ready for Elli to pick him up and walk to school. I informed him that I wanted some pictures of his first day and he wanted me to take them right then so as I did not have to walk to school with him. I'm trying to find comfort in the fact that he is an independent person. He really does love me, right? So, we get all ready, backpack on and lunch box in hand and head outside to snap a few shots. I think I got three and he told me that was plenty. *sigh*
So, Heidi gets here with Elli and he is out the door telling her to take the shortcut and, "Let's go!" I literally had to call him back to tell him good-bye so as I would not do it at school and to remind him that I would be walking behind him today and where I would meet him after school. Nate cried the entire.way.to.school. because he wanted to walk WITH Lex not behind him. Oh, fun times. And, because Nate wanted to wear his backpack like his brother, people thought he was going to kindergarten and I"m yelling at this kid going to school for the first time. Did I mention fun times??
Anyways, we get there and he is to go into the cafeteria where he meets up with some friends. I take them all down to their room. Lex is off like a flash. Pretty much wants nothing to do with me. A bit independent. I said that, right? So, I managed a few more pictures that he didn't notice. Then, I told him we were leaving. No tears!!! I asked for strength last night during my night prayer and He gave it to me. No tears in front of Lex. Be strong.
So, as I get ready to leave, he called me over and gave me a kiss and told me he loved me. I told him I loved him too and would see him later. Walked back home and was strong with no tears.
Now, as I writing this. I am crying like a baby. My baby is growing up. This is good thing. No, this is a great thing. I have had the pleasure of raising a wonderful young man. I can sit and think of all the things I could have, should have and would have done differently over the past five years but I refuse to do that. I will choose to think of only the positives, how we can grow and where we will go in the future. I am a lucky, lucky Mom.

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